Hi, I’m Spardha!
I’m a Senior Analyst at Aurora Energy Research, currently leading the development of a forecasting tool in my team. I’m deeply passionate about Data Analytics and have over 2 years of experience in it across diverse fields such as Consulting, Energy, and Academic Research.
Assessing the Efficacy of Lockdown 2020 to Curb COVID-19 Growth in India

In March 2020, India imposed its first nationwide lockdown to combat the global pandemic. The most bewildering question of the time was: How effective is a lockdown? This research paper responds by the employment of the SIR Model. Values of the growth reproductive factor pre and during lockdown were compared to quantify the extent to which total confirmed cases were reduced. Predictive analysis was done using Holt’s Linear Model and Facebook’s prophet feature to anticipate further cases of the COVID-19. The study analysed and interpreted India’s national lockdown(s).
Published in the Bulletin of Mathematics and Statistics Research. Vol-8 Issue-3 (2020) .

Prediction of Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete (HPC)
Built a machine learning model to predict the strength of High Performance Concrete. Performed Regression Analysis using YellowBrick.

Text Processing &Topic Modelling of Women’s Happy Moments
Conducted NLP Analysis on over 40,000 sentences using algorithms like LDA to find 10 most prominent topics that expressed women’s happy moments.

Mat the Matcha Bot
Developed an elementary Chatbot that describes the benefits, side effects and purchase options of Matcha Green Tea to the user.